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31-08-2007, 04:41 PM
I'm a bit miffed. I thought that I had made an arrangement with a jumbletowner to view an item this weekend. The person even offered to e-mail me a photo prior to me going out to them. I never received the e-mail and when I checked the next day the item was marked taken with no pm, e-mail or phonecall. I understand that everyone has the right to give their belongings to whomever they choose, but I thought this was a bit inconsiderate. Am I being too sensitive??
I think this site is fantastic and enjoy the banter that goes on between between some very humourous, witty and good-natured people, but I feel a bit disheartened today....sniff....

Chris P
31-08-2007, 05:48 PM
I'm a bit miffed. I thought that I had made an arrangement with a jumbletowner to view an item this weekend. The person even offered to e-mail me a photo prior to me going out to them. I never received the e-mail and when I checked the next day the item was marked taken with no pm, e-mail or phonecall. I understand that everyone has the right to give their belongings to whomever they choose, but I thought this was a bit inconsiderate. Am I being too sensitive??
I think this site is fantastic and enjoy the banter that goes on between between some very humourous, witty and good-natured people, but I feel a bit disheartened today....sniff....

Hi pennyjelly,

Ideally, Givers and Takers should keep each other up-to-date re: an item's status and also respond to all queries whether posted on the Public Forum or sent by PM or email.

Members may fail to communicate with each other for a number of reasons:
1. perhaps they've received too many enquiries for an item and it's just not practicable to respond to each inquirer personally, so they write a general note on the ad/thread or simply mark it as Taken;
2. perhaps they are just too busy;
3. perhaps they feel that the niceties and general protocol of correspondence are unnecessary on the internet.

I don't think any personal offence or slight was intended.

Chris P

If anyone is interested in seeing Admin's line on this matter, please see the post "Good Communications" in the Support Forum here:

01-09-2007, 11:24 AM
Hi Chris, I appreciate that. It's a bit different though, if you've had a phone conversation with the person about taking an item. Anyway, my moan is over now! Love the site. Keep up the good work.