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minnie pal 15-07-2009 09:13 PM

Slug Problem
Yes, you know i am in a confined concrete yard, well I am not but the slugs are!
My yard is all concrete with a raised bed at the end. I think the concrete is not allowing the heavy rain to drain away through soil and also a high north facing wall too, so the raised bed is never in sunshine really.
What can i do to get some drainage in here, will it mean to try get rid of the concrete as i wanted anyway.
There also seems to be lage concrete slabs at the entrance which are slopping away from the tiny house and i think that is there for one good reason - to prevent flooding back into the house.
SO, if i wanted a flat even patio I wont be able to do it on the level for flooding reasons, eh?
Any bril suggestions, I can live with most things, except breeding slugs!!!
xminnie pal
Oh, two people have told me I have 'mile a minute' on my north facing wall and it seems to be growing up a trellis from next door, do I tell her it will devour everything or do i just rip away all i can on my wall, it doesnt seem to be going toward her but seems to be attracted my way!!! yeh, i get em full blast it seems.

paddyp 15-07-2009 11:33 PM

I stayed in a victorian terraced place that was like that nightmare!

You can do some diy beer traps (try google) for a start.

Secondly slugs hide near sources of food so you can provide a convenient hiding place for them - get a plank of wood and raise it slightly over the ground for them to crawl under.

Flip it over in the morning and leave them for the birds or scrape into the bin.

You will have slugs coming from neighbouring gardens too. You can get a slug fence for about 30 euro on ebay if you run this along the top of the adjoining walls if will keep the slugs out o your yard. If you have a stone wall you could consider rendering it to remove hiding places and food sources. Power wash algae from concrete and slabs to remove food source.

colmsmum 15-07-2009 11:44 PM

I'm having this problem too, they're everywhere! I have decking and gravel, no grass. They come up from under the decking at night and I've also seen them on the gravel, it's like walking through a mine field if I go out to the bin. I don't know what type of ground cover would deter them but I do find the beer traps are great, much as I hate killing them at least they've passed out before they're knocked out, well I like to think anyway!

User_Friendly 16-07-2009 09:13 AM

The answer is SIMPLE
Just sprinkle the ground with common household table SALT. They will avoid it and will NOT go wherever it is. In a short time they will relocate and look for somewhere better to live (probably with you neighbour!).

SALT will work. Try it and let me know how you get on.

abba 16-07-2009 03:17 PM

Hi, salt will work however the salt burns the slugs so either way you will still have to pick them up. I use the beer trap and at least they die happy :-)) an idea might be to ask your local garden centre how they controll this problem. regards abba

User_Friendly 16-07-2009 04:01 PM

Too Salty
The salt works perfectly well. It only burns the slugs if you actually put it on them and then you'll have to pick them up. Like I said sprinkle the ground with salt, they will avoid contact with the sat (because it burns them). They will move on - ask a garden centre! This is a gardeners cure and you'll be SOLD something if you go to a garden centre (Shop) which most likely won't work anyway. I'm just trying to help.

Greeneyes 16-07-2009 05:04 PM

Another option
Hi There

Personally I am against the salt idea. I know slugs are "pests" but they are living beings too and have as as much right to be here as we do.

Imagine if you were a slug and before you knew it, you had wonderded into a load of salt and you were dehydrating so quickly that you can not get off the salt and then you painfully die of thirst...I do not know, it is just me....I am sensitive.

So I use fresh holly leaves. The slugs can not climb over them. I am growing pumpkins now and once I surround the stem of the plant with one layer of over lapping holly, then the slugs stay away...

Green Eyes

wheelbarrow 16-07-2009 05:58 PM

I also have a problem with slugs. I put ½ tea cup of milk in a large plastic bag, ie.
Manure or coal bag and leave it where the slugs are.
Go out around 1 or 2am and collect a bag of slugs

User_Friendly 16-07-2009 10:57 PM

Ohhh Noo
Oh My God. I have nothing against slugs.....in fact I'm a very peaceful person and I wouldn't wish to harm any creature. But can I put it like this..........slugs won't JUST wander into salt (because it burns them). Would you wander into a forest fire? No. I didn't think so. The slugs will look for somewhere else to go instead of into the salt. It's a way and method of guiding them elsewhere not some crazed idea for a fry-up on the patio.

Anyway before I get labelled as a mass murderer of the entire World slug population and before this whole post get too slugish, I'm away now to throw salt over my shoulder for luck!

minnie pal 16-07-2009 11:50 PM

that last post had me in absolute knots of laughter!
Gee, humans put glass on top of walls to keep out unwanted humans, well bit illegal now, but deterrants which dont kill I am all for.
slugs like humans (!) are needed where ever they are wanted. Say so to our politicians!

cathy 17-07-2009 05:15 AM

I may be wrong , but slugs are a danger to dogs.I have no problem sprinkling the ground with salt.
Im going to try it.My hubbie put down"killer" and we had loads of dead slugs, which where never removed.They turned into maggots..now that was a kill or be killed situation.
It was my hubbie or the maggots, one had to go.
I miss my hubbie...
no must make sure you remove the slugs dead or not,

User_Friendly 17-07-2009 06:56 AM

word of warning
I'm not sure if this is true and I wouldn't wat to put it to the test BUT..............handling slugs is supposed to cause warts to occur on your hands.

Like I siad don't if it true but I wouldn't change Juggling them for the hell of it.

Anfearisfearr 17-07-2009 07:20 AM

Slug juggling,a new passtime? Beats dwarf tossing.

messy tessy 17-07-2009 07:00 PM

Put sum beer on a lid that can hold the alchol and watch them take over any very easy to dispose of slugs and lid with out touching or plain old salt

minnie pal 17-07-2009 07:42 PM

bit worried - chihuahua
I have two, one is 'normal' the other food obsessed. that one, the psychologically challenged has been 'off' and not eating her food and seems fatter but not herself.
I cant watch all the time, I am supposed to be sick!!!! Would she be eating slugs or trails or whatever?
How do you do a quick disinfect of a filthy inherited corpo yard. I am immune compromised and I have a rash on ankle and wrist. When i ended in A&E last night due to slip and slit on a knife (ACCIDENT) i showed it to doc and he thinks its an allergy. This yard now is sommut else and needs to be debugged of the worst bugs, its absolutely filthy.
When we have all the right nature in place i am sure the good bugs will get the bad and i shall be good too!!!
xminnie pal

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