JumbleTown Ireland

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-   -   Green Bin update needed (http://www.jumbletown.ie/forums/showthread.php?t=87497)

elbo 25-04-2010 07:57 PM

Green Bin update needed
Hi, can anyone clarify whether or not the plastic packaging on lots of fruit/meat/etc. nowadays can go into the green bin.
I have asked a few friends and some say yes and some say no.
I would be very interested to know thanks.

Bawnie 25-04-2010 08:50 PM

Recycling plastic
If you look at the plastic you'll find a triangle.. Inside this triangle needs to be either 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 to recycle as far as i know.. Maybe check with a recycling centre to be sure. Seemingly Ireland only takes specific numbers within this triangle and not them all... I was shocked to learn that they dont accept plant pots, they are in their thousands at this time of year.. I re-use these!

Seeing the Signs - Your guide to Plastic

In all there are 7 grades of plastic. Some of which are easily recycled within Ireland's current recycling infrastructure.

Listed below is a full outline of these plastics and their recyclability.

1. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
This can be recycled in most household recycling schemes

2. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

This can be recycled in most household recycling schemes
contact your local authority or recovery operator for confirmation

3. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
At the moment this cannot be recycled.

4. Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

This can be recycled in most household recycling schemes
contact your local authority or recovery operator for confirmation

5. Polypropylene (PP)

Some recovery operators do recycle PP plastic, contact your local authority or recovery operator for confirmation

6. Polystyrene (PS)
PS recycling has been possible in Ireland since 2007, it is currently been rolled out on a national level. Rehab recycling can be contact for PS recycling in your area.

7. Other

At the moment this cannot be recycled.

Source: http://repakrecycling.blogspot.com/2...o-plastic.html

Hope this helps! Siobhan

elbo 26-04-2010 11:10 AM

Thanks a mill Siobhain.
I never knew there were numbers or triangles underneath the plastic.
Will check that out today.

elbo 26-04-2010 01:19 PM

Not sure if I am correct, but is it only numbers 1, 2 and 4 that we can put in the Green bin at the moment.

smokeyeyes 26-04-2010 02:04 PM

Hi Elbo, I place all fruit/veg/meat plastic containers in Green bin (once they are well washed out)

elbo 26-04-2010 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by smokeyeyes
Hi Elbo, I place all fruit/veg/meat plastic containers in Green bin (once they are well washed out)

So does my daughter, but I checked today and couldn't find the triangle underneath these plastic containers, so still not sure.

Bawnie 26-04-2010 06:38 PM

Hi again, i've just dug into my recycling bin, and on the bottom of the 7-up, where the long bit meets the end, not quite underneath, you will see the slightly raised triangle..Inside this it is saying 1 and underneath PET. Again on a plastic box that contained grapes, underneath another triangle... Plastic milk bottle underneath too, they can be tricky to find but they do exist! Have uploaded a photo, the triangle is at the tip of my finger on the right, not the easiest thing to photograph.I've enclosed one but you can't see it :( Keep trying.. it does exist! I've added a 2nd photo & where i've marked black is the triangle, inside it is 01, under it is PET.. Happy hunting!

elbo 26-04-2010 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Bawnie
Hi again, i've just dug into my recycling bin, and on the bottom of the 7-up, where the long bit meets the end, not quite underneath, you will see the slightly raised triangle..Inside this it is saying 1 and underneath PET. Again on a plastic box that contained grapes, underneath another triangle... Plastic milk bottle underneath too, they can be tricky to find but they do exist! Have uploaded a photo, the triangle is at the tip of my finger on the right, not the easiest thing to photograph.I've enclosed one but you can't see it :( Keep trying.. it does exist!

Hi, I have found the triangle under the washing up liquid bottle and under milk bottles, but under the packages of rashers and sausages, nothing.
I wonder what we do if there is no triangle.
Are the triangles only on Irish products???

Bawnie 26-04-2010 06:47 PM

This is where it gets me.. I found no triangle under a plastic container that contained chicken fillets, or on a plastic bottle (this did have the circular arrows that said recyclable).. So this went into the recyclables! I think its a bit of a minefield when it comes to what we can & can't do.. I will continue trying to find the answer though, its in all our interests in the end!! I'm delighted you found the triangle.. :) Makes me feel sane again!! LOL

elbo 26-04-2010 06:55 PM

Yes, I notice the circular sign for recycling underneath some plastic containers, even though they have no triangle or number on them.
Can anyone advise if these can be put in the green bin or do they have to go into the black bin?

garrazzaband 02-05-2010 09:55 PM

A damn good piece of social engineering
Its the only thing that wasn't in George O'rwell's 1984.
The amount of time and effort that people are going to regarding this recycling absolutely astounds me. And if your rubbish is being collected your generaly even paying more for the privilage. Don't get me wrong I'm all for recycling ,I was trying to do it 20years ago with plastic cd covers. the young are growing up now thinking all this work is normal. It incenses me.

I have a commercial collecting service. One bin for rubish which I assume goes to landfill and plastic bags for so called recycling. Anything that I think..."that shouldn't be buried in the ground" goes into the recycling bag and everything else in the wheelie bin and out it all goes. Thats the way it should be. let the people who we pay sort it out.
And whats with the polystyrene they say "not in the recycling" incensed again - burying that in the ground surely can't be good. All bloody crazy to me.GGrrrrrr

Oh for those glory days again all rubish in the bin and out it goes..there now, all gone lol.
lol I didn't really mean that but you understand the feelings lol.

have a great day and remember on a lighter note,.....
Crystal Swing ROCK!!!!

poppie 02-05-2010 10:18 PM


If your bin is with oxigen then go to oxigen.ie and look under ' help and questions' click the domestic option and then select green bin. There will be a list of what is allowed. Hope this helps.


elbo 07-05-2010 09:05 AM

Thanks Poppie and everyone else.

TickTock 07-05-2010 12:59 PM

Green Bin
I agree with garrazzaband - we put a lot of our own energy into 'saving' energy, keeping stuff out of landfill, recycling etc., and our packaging doesn't always have these signs and numbers which other countries seem to have. Our task is made even harder. The glory days I remember is when we used to have an open fire and anything that could be burned.......was! Maybe it was me wot damaged the ozone layer! Apologies for that. My mum never had as much rubbish to get rid of as I do because she burned everything in the open fire.

This is what I do. After I've done the washing up I pop any plastic packaging from meat/veg etc that has the arrows on, into the still hot and soapy water and rinse it out and put it in my green bin. If it has the arrows then it is recyclable and I let the professionals decide what to do with it. I can't be expected to know everything and there is too much to keep track of. This is my tuppence worth.....if its worth even that much!

mw100860 07-05-2010 03:38 PM

I am lucky enough to live quite close to the main recycling place in Kilkenny and therefore dont have a wheelie bin.
So this is what we do:
Waste food goes into the dogs and cats and that includes cooked potato skins.
Uncooked peelings, eggshells, teabags, egg cartons and suchlike go in the compost bin in the garden.
Plastic packaging which includes trays that meat and veg come in, cartons from butter etc and milk cartons ( 2litre ) goes into a big plastic bag.
Newspapers and magazines from the papers go into a big box
All other magazines that I buy, either new- very few, or from charity shops are donated to my local library.
Cardboard also goes into a big box.
Tins and jars go into a container from Argos.

Every two weeks or so I take the lot to the recycling centre, apart from the pets, that is!

My rubbish bin is a bag attached to a frame and it takes 7 - 10 days to fill. When its full I tie the bag securely and store it until I have about 10 or so and then I take it to Green Star, Kilkenny where its weighed. Costs about 20 euro.

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