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Old Posted: 04-07-2008 , 12:31 AM #52
Join Date: May 2008
Location: dublin
Posts: 92
Default netting

i bought my netting in atlantic, it was 6 or7 euro, its well worth it, you get loads of it, plenty for your strawberries & next yrs runners, you can use it for peas & beans, i know you dont have a veg plot so heres an idea for colm if he wants to expand next year, get a large pot & put 3 bamboo canes or similar branches into it, tie them at the top with twine like a tee pee, set pea or bean seeds &wrap the netting round the canes & the peas will climb it, i did this for a friends 7 yr old daughter & she loves it, yeah i think the gravel will help keep the slugs away, you wont see them during the day, check after dark, if you find any a ring of salt around the base of the pot will work, cant help with the rats, there are gadgets you can buy that omit a sound or something to keep them away but i think they are expensive, you can always wash the fruit in a mild milton solution if you're worried
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