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Old Posted: 06-10-2008 , 09:06 PM #22
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Big city of Belturbet
Posts: 506

Absolutely. I listen to so many people at work talking about the financial crisis saying "Oh I don't care, this doesn't affect me". However, they're the same people who don't do a lot for the environment either. The "Oh yeah I keep meaning to get round to that" brigade (although I'm guilty of that on occasion too) I don't think you're being pessimistic either Unapam. It's a sad reality we're facing but at least we'll try and be content that we did our bit and through wonderful sites like this spread the word. But yes I do think in one sense the financial crisis could be a blessing in disguise. Because people will have to learn how to cut back on spending they'll have to remember to turn off lights when not in use, don't leave things on standby, make do with less, stop using the car to run down to the corner shop etc.
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