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Old Posted: 28-11-2006 , 10:14 PM #5
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 6
Default My Footprint

Just calculated mine, 7.8ton compared to 10.9ton CO2. But we have to remember 2 things.
  1. In the UK 20% of all elec comes from nuclear power, CO2 free
  2. in Ireland we burn Peat, which is worse than coal for CO2 emmissions
Not that I'm in favour of Nuclear power, just saying that our footprint may be higher than calculated just because of the way we generate elec. :-(

But the good news is that I can offset my households footprint by planting 8 trees and I plan to plant over 100 at the start of the next season. So if anyone wants to purchase carbon credits....


I would be apathetic, but I just couldn't be bothered
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