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Old Posted: 02-12-2008 , 05:59 PM #55
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Dublin
Posts: 1,280
Default wreaths and dog bandana

Hi, my sewing machine has a microchip so I just have to type in the words and it does it for me. Before I had that I used to use the Tippex pen for things like this. (Tippex is indestructable and washable...have you ever tried to get it out of you clothes?)

I found the exact tutorial for the music wreath on It is a blog posted late November. So click on November in the Archives on the right hand side and scroll down.

I printed it off and I am going to try it tonight. It looks REALLY easy. I'll post a pic if it works out.

UPDATE: I made it and it is easy. Here is a photo and another of it in situ hanging from the candle holder
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