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Old Posted: 06-03-2009 , 10:39 AM #106
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Dublin 15
Posts: 82
Default My answer to a cleaner healthier environment!

I reluctantly joined 2 years ago.....Initially I thought their products were expensive and then realised that they weren't as my shopping bills reduced dramatically! i had decided to go Eco as this planets problems are rapidly accelerating out of control.
All their products are Eco friendly and of top quality.
I especially love their soaps and shampoos as well as their cleaning products.
To be honest i do not find their washing products brilliant...ok for coloured clothes but for items like chefs jackets....a 'no no'!!! Their washing up liquid is fantastic! Better than any I have ever used before including say the likes of well know general products that we all have bought in our supermarkets.
Their cosmetics are fantastic. Checkout their products and get back to me with any questions! I am not vying for business here...I just love their goods!
My advice to folks who wish to sign up is to spread the costs around with say 3 friends.....become a member to avail of cheaper costs and share out the products with your 3 friends.
Am sure you will be thrilled at how much you will save on all these toxic cleaning products that are in our supermarkets!
And remember Vinegar and Bread Soda are the most fantastic cleaning products! Cheap to buy and use!
Dimples 1553
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