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Old Posted: 11-03-2009 , 10:13 PM #6
Chris P
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: JumbleTown
Posts: 5,998
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Originally Posted by Moeby
Hi noticed this thread and just have to say the benefits of Jumbletown are unreal. I joined late last year and cannot believe how good Jumbletowners are. They really go out of their way to help in anyway they can. I used to just load up the back of my car (have a 7 seater that everything folds down to make it like a van) and take things to the recycling centre or the dump if the recycling centre could not take. I had to bring a perfectly good playhouse to the dump as the recycling centre could not take it. It broke my heart, but nobody I knew wanted it. At least this site puts you in contact with people all over the country and someone somewhere just might want it. I've always hated waste and I have always had people passing on things to me with the expression (I hope you won't be offended). My children have always gotten clothes from people passing them on to me and if they didn't fit I would always find a home for them. As a last resort, if I couldn't find a home I would send them to the clothes bank.

I think people in this country were getting really carried away with wanting better than the Jones' (no offence to anyone by the name of Jones) and had just discarded things willy nilly to the dump without any regard for the environment or other less fortunate's needs. Some people never met the Celtic Tiger and indeed it's looking like many only pretended to. So it's great to meet other people that are down to earth and really care about helping out where they can.

What's one person's junk is another person's treasure. So if we can live by this motto and promote Jumbletown further, we will be all better off. (Sorry for the rant). Kind regards.

ps. Since joining jumbletown, I am also more conscious of all recycling. Instead of just cleaning up and putting things in the bin. I now sort out everything out and use my recycling bin more (also more cost effective), so thank you Jumbletown for opening my eyes.
Many thanks for your thoughts, Moeby.

Keep up the good work!

Chris P
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