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Old Posted: 09-07-2009 , 09:56 AM #4
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 640

I have my polytunnel about 6 months which we built ourselves. Great value with the one from ebay, we checked ebay out and at the time cheapest was 650,so well done on getting a great deal.

You can basicially plant anything in them,i started off with everything from seed, didn't know if they would grow but holy moses, it's unreal. I have planted out whatever i could or had too .

Everyday its my ritual of getting up and going straight up to it,its amazing and breathtaking what can grow ,and how quickly.
you'll def have to plant cucumber, its the most facinating thing i've ever watch grow. It's the height of the tunnell now, but it produces beautiful yellow flowers 1st.

A bit of advice re slugs, plenty of beer in trays gets rid of them ,not sure if my kids believe me though , that i'm not drinking it.

Experiment with everything,you'll get months of enjoyment, and. oh yes the strawberries are to die for .The taste of organic veg is so different.

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