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Old Posted: 07-08-2010 , 05:28 PM #13
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Trim, Co. Meath
Posts: 63
Default Camroc

I have no problem with paying for my actual waste to be rid, it's the recycling that is my problem. For starters, if you live in a small house with not much of a shed, and you have a few kids and struggle along, how do you store all your recycling until you have enough to fill your car and go down with your clean and well sorted recycling to pay 3euro? You would find that there would be nowhere to store stuff so you would have to go to centre quite a lot more often than a person with a bigger home. It's only a small point really but important to some people.
These little things go unsaid and unnoticed by most, just as, ie; if you have plenty of money to go any pay yearly road tax for your car, you get charged a lot less than the struggling person who tries to get the money together every three months for theirs!
I just feel, although times are hard for most at the moment, things are made harder for those struggling all the time.
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