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Old Posted: 15-10-2012 , 08:14 PM #1
Chris P
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: JumbleTown
Posts: 5,998
Default Global Handwashing Day - October 15th

Hi Everyone,

If you've just had your "tea" or are about to have your dinner, you might want to give this post a miss for now. (Diners, go wash your hands this instant!)

Annnnnnyway, though it seems that every day has been Global Handwringing Day since the world economy went down the tubes in late 2007/early 2008, October 15th is ... (big round of applause!) ... Global Handwashing Day. However, before you give each other a high-five to celebrate giving the two fingers to all things bacterial/microbial, you need to grasp the following:

"Faecal matter can be found on just over a quarter of our hands, new research suggests. In some cases the amount of germs is equivalent to the number in a dirty toilet bowl"


"In a recent UK-wide study, 99% of people interviewed at motorway service stations toilets claimed they had washed their hands after going to the toilet. Electronic recording devices revealed only 32% of men and 64% of women actually did."

Still interested? Can't wait to get your dirty mitts on the rest of this story? I'll hand you over to the

If you still need a helping hand, here's the official website from the promoters of the Global Handwashing Day:

And so the message is, don't sit on your hands, do something (like, er, wash them).

And a few more delectables:

"Kitchen chopping boards have about 200% more faecal bacteria on them than toilet seats."

"A kitchen sink typically contains 100,000 times more germs than a toilet."

"Handbags have up to 10,000 bacteria in each square inch."

Ok, that's it! I wash my hands of this post!

Living hand-to-mouth (yikes!) since 2008 and dressed in old hand-me-downs,
Chris P

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