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Old Posted: 29-09-2006 , 11:01 AM #2
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 131
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1. JumbleTown is about RECYCLING - it is not a CHARITY............

2.People place their items on JumbleTown because, for whatever reason, they want them removed from their home / place of business or elsewhere.

3.Items that require a van for removal are more likely to be taken by 'dealers' and / or trades people who have access to a van.........such is life. Van hire is quite expensive so while your 'ordinary punter' without the relevant type of transport to remove the object of their desire may agree to take a suite of furniture, for example, if they enquired into the cost of moving it they may well change their mind. An example of this occured on Jumbletown in relation to a mobile home.....the person said they would take it, then looked into the cost of having it moved and discovered that cost to be 600 euro.....they then changed their mind...........if you really needed a mobile home the cost of having it moved at 600 euro is far less than the price you would pay for a habitable mobile home on the open market............I am not criticising this particular JumbleTowner - they had a right to want the item, a right to make enquiries as to it's removal and a right to change their is just an example........

4.Everyone is entitled to conduct their business in private............and unless you stay on JumbleTown 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with your fingers poised over the keyboard of your computer you are always going to see something you wished you had gotten your spoke in for.............

5.Who are these 'needy' people everybody keeps mentioning? As far as I know one's needs are air to breath, food, water and protection from the elements. Nowhere have I ever seen it written or heard it discussed that a three piece suite / wardrobe or whatever constituted a human 'need'. I don't think you would walk into any home in Ireland - be it privately owned or rented - and find somebody who had nothing in the way of furnishings to make their life that bit more comfortable. I think, however, you could go anywhere on the continent of Africa, for example, and find a lot of people without a stick of furniture.......but, oh yeah, a lot of these same people also have no food, no water, no shelter etc. so a couple of chairs aren't going to make them that much more comfortable anyway........are they?????????????
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