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Old Posted: 10-06-2008 , 11:26 PM #1
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Leixlip, Co. Kildare
Posts: 2,392
Default what if an item is not "taken" ? should there be a "skipped/dumped" option ?

hi everyone,

not sure what your thoughts are on this or whether this came up before or not (can t finds any related thread on the matter), but i often wondered what happens to the stuff people try to pass on / giveaway, but can't ( ie no taker wants it)...

instead of "taken" , should there be another option such as "skipped" or "dumped" ?

while i know the aim of the website is to pass on items, i am sure that there are some items out there, that (long forgotten about), just were disposed of by their owners because they could not be passed on .this unfortunately can give the wrong expectation that every item advsertised is re-used.

such an option would i think cater for more than one objective:
- 1st the jumbletown community and administrators would know how many items are passed on rather than dsiposed of and therefore encourage the practice.
-2nd, jumbletown admin could then compile the info and make a percentage of items diposed of and passed on to encourage councils to advisertise the service for free, in all supermarkets, shops, anywhere that sells stuff.
-this service may also encourage twon/ county councils to realise that people can make the effort if they are given the means and if the word is spread better and therefore they may want to sponsor jumbletown for recycling intitiatives ...

most of us jumbletowners try our best to pass on items, but what if nobody wants it ? One cannot keep something they no longer need forever ... ( we may not have the space).Should there not be a form to fill in with what happened to the stuff ? (just my reclycling conscience kicking up again, maybe this is just obvious to everyone...)

hope someone out there shares my concern,
kind regards
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