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Old Posted: 16-10-2009 , 12:21 AM #172
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Big city of Belturbet
Posts: 506

Well I have started making my own jam - surprising how much you can make for not much spends! Had to make presents of some (which saved me the cost of a present in those cases). Saved me a bunch. Also did my little bit for the planet cos those jars are being lifecycled time and again - no transporting them miles to be recycled and no manufacturing of new ones... I feel a little proud of myself for that ;-) Make my own bread too - dead easy. My little munchkin makes all the "treats" - no more buying them and we have great crack. Some bits of the recession are fun!!!
I don't consider that going backwards though - I consider that going forwards. It's good that more and more people are trying to come to terms with the amount our greed has sucked out of this beautiful planet we live on. I want my munchkins children to see that more respectful kind of life instead of the one we've been living. So hey if it is going backwards - where is it written that we should always walk forwards - it might be fun to change directions!!!!
Nite nite everyone. I'll have to keep logging in here when I go to France. Yis are lifesavers ;-)
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