View Full Version : Ad has disappeared?

11-01-2013, 02:47 PM
Hi! I put a post up in the wanted section for wool yesterday but today it has disappeared. Also it says when I try to update my settings that 'The administrator has banned your email address'. Can you let me know if I have done something incorrectly? Thanks!

11-01-2013, 02:51 PM
Ah - I've found my posting, the title was amended! Any ideas why my email address is listed as banned though? Thanks again,

Chris P
11-01-2013, 03:00 PM
Hi! I put a post up in the wanted section for wool yesterday but today it has disappeared. Also it says when I try to update my settings that 'The administrator has banned your email address'. Can you let me know if I have done something incorrectly? Thanks!
Hi wobbblyheadedbob,

Your "Wool" ad is still there -- click on your User Name to find all of your ads that are currently on the public forum.

Re: your email address -- the system indicates that the email address you used to register your account is not banned. However, if you are attempting to change your email address, there may be a problem as we've had to block some of the @ xyz etc email addresses because of the amount of spam associated with them. If you wish to change your email address, then please send your replacement one to me in a Private Message/PM (click on my User Name), and I'll make the changes to your account from my end of things.

Finally, the "Contact me by Email" function is currently disabled on your User Profile (most Members find that the PM system is enough). If you wish me to activate it, please let me know, and I'll reconfigure your account.

Chris P

11-01-2013, 03:17 PM
Thanks a million Chris, will send you a PM now!

Chris P
11-01-2013, 03:36 PM
Thanks a million Chris, will send you a PM now!
Hi wobblyheadedbob,

I've just amended your account.

Thanks for using JumbleTown.

Chris P