JumbleTown Ireland

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gringo 27-01-2008 09:17 PM

I found items from Jumbletown on some web. A taker from jumble sells it. For me its not like should be... But its my opinion. What do u think about it?

Chris P 27-01-2008 09:32 PM

from Admin

Originally Posted by gringo
I found items from Jumbletown on some web. A taker from jumble sells it. For me its not like should be... But its my opinion. What do u think about it?

Hi gringo,

In the eyes of Admin, all Takers are equal, be they needy individuals, organisations, charities, or millionaires. What happens to the item once it is taken is the Taker's responsibility. Neither Admin nor Givers can determine what happens to an item once it has been passed on. If a person chooses to collect, store, and sell at some stage, that is their business. In fact they could be regarded as being somewhat entrepreneurial.

Let me restate that JumbleTown is NOT a charity. Those who wish to give to charitable causes should contact the Simon Community, Trocaire and so on, NOT JumbleTown.

The main reason why people should use JumbleTown's service is to pass on unwanted items because they have no further use of them or because the items are taking up valuable space.

The main concern of Givers should not be the "neediness" or otherwise of the Taker but rather their own desire to clear up space in their home/business in an environmentally-friendly and community-friendly way.

Having said that, the generosity of Givers on JumbleTown is well-known and to be commended. The Giver selects the Taker, be they the first, second or tenth respondent; Admin has no say in this matter.

By "life-cycling" or re-using items on JumbleTown, Givers and Takers help to reduce the amount of useful material that ends up in costly recycling systems and landfill.

Thanks for the feedback.

Chris P

Narizota 31-01-2008 02:34 PM

I think this is an interesting post,because while I appreciate that jumble town isn't a charity,I would rather see an item I was giving away go to someone who had some need of it,not someone who was out to make a quick buck.

Impossible to police,though.

Fries-With-That 31-01-2008 06:38 PM

Impossible to Police

Originally Posted by Narizota
I think this is an interesting post,because while I appreciate that jumble town isn't a charity,I would rather see an item I was giving away go to someone who had some need of it,not someone who was out to make a quick buck.

Impossible to police,though.

Hi Narizota,

I tend to agree with you that it would be impossible to police, but there are a few things Jumbletown members could do to make it harder for those that are selling items on.

If people stated in their offer that the said item was not for resale it would make resellers think twice about taking it and where they advertise it for sale.

People could also ask people to respond on the thread before Pming this would make the giving and taking process more transparent.

Makes sense If i'm giving something away lets say its a "can of beans", If I ask people to respond o the thread first other users would soon see who was responding to every thread offering a "can of beans".

Anyway I think the last word on this goes to Chris

"The main concern of Givers should not be the "neediness" or otherwise of the Taker but rather their own desire to clear up space in their home/business in an environmentally-friendly and community-friendly way. Having said that, the generosity of Givers on JumbleTown is well-known and to be commended. The Giver selects the Taker, be they the first, second or tenth respondent; Admin has no say in this matter.



Chris P 31-01-2008 07:22 PM

from Admin
Hi Everyone,

I think it's important not to over-estimate the extent of the re-selling of items collected from Givers on JumbleTown. One reason why so many fantastic items are passed on in the first place is the fact that furniture and computer equipment depreciate in value so much after purchase.

Admin has no data on, or particular interest in, the number of re-sellers/dealers on JumbleTown. However, out of a Membership of over 15 thousand, I'd be surprised if there were more than half a dozen, and only one or two actively taking at any one time. I also suspect that someone, somewhere, may have his living room stuffed to the ceiling with items collected from JumbleTowners, and the likelihood is that they may remain in situ for a long period of time because selling items quickly and at a profit is a difficult thing to do. (Potential) Re-sellers have to consider the following: can they afford the time and trouble of collecting an item, storing it, and then hopefully selling it on? I suspect that very, very few JumbleTowners can.

Finally, the relationship between Givers and Takers is similar to a quid pro quo situation. This is how Admin sees it:

The Giver gets more space in their home/workplace, saves money by not hiring someone to take away their item, and hopefully gains some satisfaction from the fact that they are saving items from costly recycling and landfill schemes while also helping a member of their community at the same time;

The Taker saves money by getting a useable/useful item for free and should gain satisfaction not only from his/her life-cycling of an item and saving it from pre-mature recycling/landfill but also from the fact that another tree doesn't have to be cut down to provide him with a table, or that X amount of waste is not generated or X amount of energy consumed just to satisfy his need for any other type of item you can think of. (I commented a while back on another thread that the production of a single car produces around 6 times its own weight in waste; a computer generates around 28 times its own weight in waste during production. Of course, after a few short years, the car or computer usually becomes (premature) waste itself, and thus the cycle of wastefulness continues.)

Admin realises that some JumbleTowners may find the idea of re-selling distasteful, but as the thoughtful posts above state, it is impossible for Admin to monitor or police what happens off the Board. Furthermore, neither Admin nor Members are in a position to make a true assessment as to the "neediness" or otherwise of anyone who uses the site.

The suggestion that Givers who are opposed to the practice of someone selling on their item should state "Not for Re-sale" on their ads would surely deter most if not all who have "re-sale" in mind. However, from my experience of monitoring ads over the past two years, I'd say that most Givers are just happy to clear up space in their home/workplace with a minimum of hassle and at no cost to their pocket or the environment. The fact that someone benefits from their generosity (either through re-use or re-sale) should only add to their satisfaction of a job well done.

Thanks to all who have contributed to this thread.

Chris P

julia123 28-03-2008 11:00 PM

hi sorry but had to post a reply when i stumbled onto this thread...i think it is a bit unfair of the resellers as most people looking at this site would only take items that they actually need...i know its jumbletowns ethos to not make judgement over whats going to happen to items been given but maybe a post in the main section to remind people of the need to say not for resale and also that the giver doesnt have to give to the first person...i find it a bit surprising that some people have made 100+post when they only joined a few months ago...how much stuff do they actually need...it is also upsetting when you have been wanting items for a long time and realise that one of these people has managed to post before you...

anyway enough of my rant...kind regards to all who use this site...givers and takers alike ....julia

Chris P 28-03-2008 11:06 PM

from Admin

Originally Posted by julia123
...i find it a bit surprising that some people have made 100+post when they only joined a few months ago...how much stuff do they actually need...julia

Hi julia123,

It should be remembered that many of the Members with 100+ posts are prolific Givers not Takers.

Thanks for the feedback.

Chris P

skinnycat 29-03-2008 03:04 PM

As one who has benefited from free things on jumbletown and elsewhere I thought I'd add my tuppenceworth. I don't 'need' the stuff I get in the sense that I have the means to buy new furniture. However, the stuff I love is often of the used vintage variety I love, pieces that have lived and been loved, are well made and can be loved again. I am very gratefull for what I get and try to give something in exchange; wine or flowers or a baked cake (not that the givers are ever expecting it) . When I am clearing my stuff , Jumbletown and elsewhere are the first place I go to give them away. I love the ethos behind the site and I am so glad someone had the foresight and generosity to set it up. Long live recycling. To the original poster; I think, as was said, that reselling is the exception, not the rule.

sandym 15-04-2008 07:32 PM

Hi all,

I have been a member of Jumbletown for quiet a few months and have gotten some lovely bits and pieces and passed some on. What I find annoying though, and I doubt I'm the only one, is that the same people are asking for everything. There are a few names that come up over and over again whether it be for a breast pump and then a computer cable, paving slabs and then girls clothing. Such a wide range of things that the only thing I can think of is that these people are taking items and selling them for profit which surely defeats the whole purpose of the site?

I have no problem in missing out on something to a genuine person but when I see the same person send a message just before me I get so frustrated because surely they can't need that item as well when they have already posted for 5 different items that day??

Maybe it's just me but I'd like some feedback from anyone who feels the same way. Are these people sitting at their computers day in day out ready to pounce on the next thing thats posted?


Chris P 15-04-2008 11:39 PM

from Admin

Originally Posted by sandym
What I find annoying though, and I doubt I'm the only one, is that the same people are asking for everything. There are a few names that come up over and over again whether it be for a breast pump and then a computer cable, paving slabs and then girls clothing. Such a wide range of things that the only thing I can think of is that these people are taking items and selling them for profit which surely defeats the whole purpose of the site?

Hi sandym,

Please see my posts above for Admin's thoughts on the re-selling of items by Members and also for the site's raison d'etre and ethos.

I do, however, wish to address your point about certain Members making multiple requests in one day. It should be remembered that very often Members request items on behalf of friends and relatives who may not be computer-literate and/or have ready access to the internet. This obviously gives the impression that a particular Member is requesting many items. (Of course, they don't necessarily receive all of the items they request as the Giver decides the recipient, be they the first or last respondent on an ad/thread or the first of last PM'er). For example, one Member who appeared to be requesting many items pm'd me to state that he had managed to furnish the flats of several elderly people thanks to the generosity of JumbleTowners.

Also, there are JumbleTowners who are as Prolific at Giving as they are at requesting items. Quite clearly, they are taken with the philosophy of Giving and Taking and long may they continue to participate in the JumbleTown community.

Thanks for the feedback and also for YOUR participation in the JumbleTown community.

Chris P

Covelay 15-04-2008 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by sandym
the only thing I can think of is that these people are taking items and selling them for profit which surely defeats the whole purpose of the site?

Rather, the purpose of the site would be defeated if items were ending up in landfill...............

playbunnyplay 06-05-2008 02:37 PM

i check the wanted ads everyday in case i can help someone with giving them something that i dont need anymore. to be honest i dont care what they do with it after they collect it from me. if they can make a few bob from my waste then good luck to them, if i got off my bum and tried to sell the stuff too i prob could and it would be me making the money, but i'm too lazy and too busy with work and kids to even try! i think either way there is plenty to go around for everyone!

erica 27-05-2008 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Narizota
I think this is an interesting post,because while I appreciate that jumble town isn't a charity,I would rather see an item I was giving away go to someone who had some need of it,not someone who was out to make a quick buck.

Impossible to police,though.

If every giver, when they are marking their item "taken", added a note to say who collected the item, it would make things more transparent. That way, every one could see how many items each member received.

Personally, I have no problem with takers selling items on. If someone has the time and patience to collect items, advertise and sell them, that's their business. I do feel, however, that if I have an item to give, I would rather give it to someone who will use it or give it to a family member rather than sell it on.

Chris P 27-05-2008 10:25 PM

from Admin
Hi erica,

Here are a few thoughts on your comments:


Originally Posted by erica
If every giver, when they are marking their item "taken", added a note to say who collected the item, it would make things more transparent. That way, every one could see how many items each member received.

By making things more transparent (as you put it), the privacy of the Giver and Taker is undermined. JumbleTown allows Members to conduct their "business" in private on a public forum. Some Givers do mention that X has collected an item, but it's not JumbleTown policy. Those Members who seem to request a lot of items are usually requesting items on behalf of family and friends. Admin does not keep track of the number of items collected by any one Member.


Originally Posted by erica
I do feel...that if I have an item to give, I would rather give it to someone who will use it or give it to a family member rather than sell it on.

Admin suggests that Givers who do not wish their item to be sold on should state exactly that in their ad. Having said that, I think the amount of "selling on" is negligible.

Thanks for the feedback.

Chris P

kellyk 29-06-2008 09:41 PM

Re Selling Stufgf
I was just reading this thread and as someone was saying earlier it would be impossible to police. I dont know what the happy medium is.

I do think it is wrong though of the same ppl who keep getting the stuff to give a sop story in their PMs and then go on and sell the same stuff in a car boot sale.


kilk 29-06-2008 10:00 PM

i was pmd by a car booter recently for something i had posted, i refused because i knew where it would go. however, nobody else took it and i am left with it now and it has become an eyesore.

in hindsight i realise that car booting must sometimes be hard work, an early start, a long day in the wet and cold. making a profit or not.
and also the stuff that i could have got rid of would eventually end up with somebody who needed it which was what i wanted originally.

if i give money to a charity etc i have no idea if that money actually goes to the ppl i intended it for or to line somebody's pocket.

so i think the best attitude is to give for the sake of giving and not to worry about what happens next. then it's out of your mind and out of your space.

live and learn!

kellyk 30-06-2008 09:27 PM

wouldnt agree sorry
Hey Kilk

Sorry I wouldnt agree. I just find it soooo very frustrating as Im sure many ppl do that some ppl are just taking the micky and trying to get everything they can from this site. If they took things to sell on now and then.........well I could live with that but when they dont give ANYONE else a chance and get in there and get all the stuff to sell on well I think its just lousy.

kilk 30-06-2008 09:39 PM

they may get in there first but it is up to the giver to choose who to give it to. i find by looking at potential takers other posts and threads can give a fair idea of whether a person is a dealer or not. anyhow at this stage i have almost cleaned out the house unless anybody would like some used wallpaper... and a mother-in-law..

kellyk 30-06-2008 10:03 PM

Well I have a fair idea 2
I have a fair idea as well. I just think its lousy. There are really ppl on here looking for things for others and personally I am looking for some stuff as well as I dont have lots of money to flash around. I hand on heart think its cool that ppl look out for others I think its the way it should be I really do. If ppl have have '00000 of threads then so be it. Like I said its just lousy when ppl lie to get things and then sell it on thats all. Hopefully ppl will get wise to these ppl and see through them.

PS loved your comment on the £20 pound note :)

ace 30-06-2008 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by kellyk
I have a fair idea as well. I just think its lousy. There are really ppl on here looking for things for others and personally I am looking for some stuff as well as I dont have lots of money to flash around. I hand on heart think its cool that ppl look out for others I think its the way it should be I really do. If ppl have have '00000 of threads then so be it. Like I said its just lousy when ppl lie to get things and then sell it on thats all. Hopefully ppl will get wise to these ppl and see through them.

PS loved your comment on the £20 pound note :)

I totally agree with all kellyk says.

kilk 30-06-2008 10:19 PM

thank you both for your nice comment on my comment!

milliminx 30-06-2008 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by ace
I totally agree with all kellyk says.

totally agree with what is being said i noticed a thread which said they had 3 kids as they got no reponse it became 7 kids and low and behold there pregnant again ??? i watch with interest regards

marie065 01-07-2008 01:50 AM

i agree with the above its a shame that some of the stuff is been taken and sold when it could genuinely to go someone that really needs it
cheers marie

dublin gal 01-07-2008 07:07 AM

but do you ever know who really needs it ? i think its impossible to judge , they could be requesting things for other people , family , friends . i have gotten pms from people telling me not to give to so and so they are selling , give it me instead !!! lol if they are looking to make a few bob fair play , they might not need the item but they may need to money they make . i know what you mean about the sob stories i hate them , note your interest and leave it at that , or the wanted ads that are posted a few minutes after you have posted an item , and i dont mean bumped . so i agree with kilk , give for the sake of giving , because you never really know anyway .

kellyk 01-07-2008 08:19 AM

Why cant ppl tell the truth
Well if the people were honest about it than I don’t think I would mind. Like Chris said it’s their business what they do with it and it is impossible for JT to police. It’s just the lying that really gets to me and the fact they stop others from getting anything. I agree with Kilk when he says sure isn’t it better for someone to get it than no one but why can the ppl just not be honest and say look I am a car booter etc and you would be helping me out if I got this. Its transparent honest and the giver can make an informed choice about who to give it to then.

dublin gal 01-07-2008 08:59 AM

yes thats a good point :-)

kilk 01-07-2008 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by kellyk
be honest and say look I am a car booter etc and you would be helping me out if I got this. Its transparent honest and the giver can make an informed choice about who to give it to then.

would you really give to a person who says this about themselves, honestly!!

kellyk 01-07-2008 10:04 AM

Honestly !!!!!
Honestly what Id like to think I would do is the following. If I did have something to give away I would post on JT as normal. If I got answers and one of them was from a car booter that openly admitted they were a car booter than I honestly probably wouldn’t give it to them at first. If no one else was interested in it then yea why not let someone make a buck out of it. Making a buck out of what others do not want is not what I think is wrong. What I think is wrong is ppl hogging the forum taking everything that is going, & not being honest by letting the givers know they are car booters and then going on to sell it.

dublin gal 01-07-2008 10:17 AM

well when its gone its gone , and you never really know what happens , i do think everyone should get a fair shout , be it first reply or last reply , ad in wanted section or not , so regardless of how many before you, note your interest and if you get it great happy days, if not so be it .

kilk 01-07-2008 10:20 AM

if nobody else was interested in your wares chances are the car booter wouldn't either because they would be trying to sell to ordinary ppl just like those on jt!
some ppl get in first and may lie, not perhaps because they are booters but hoarders. i know ppl who are addicted to gathering stuff, you won't find a place to sit in their houses and they wouldn't spend christmas!

dublin gal 01-07-2008 10:48 AM

ha ha kilk do you know my mother inlaw ??? worlds worst , the skip scavenger , if its free she wants it , oh the rows we have had .

Fizzywitch 01-07-2008 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by kellyk
I have a fair idea as well. I just think its lousy. There are really ppl on here looking for things for others and personally I am looking for some stuff as well as I dont have lots of money to flash around. I hand on heart think its cool that ppl look out for others I think its the way it should be I really do. If ppl have have '00000 of threads then so be it. Like I said its just lousy when ppl lie to get things and then sell it on thats all. Hopefully ppl will get wise to these ppl and see through them.

PS loved your comment on the £20 pound note :)

My thoughts run along these lines too.

I have put a few items on and as I am new, I don't know if the things I have given away are to be re-sold or not. But I would hope that they are going to people who really need them.
I too don't have too much money so would hope I get a fair chance if I request an item as I can't always afford to buy what I want or need

I also think that people who are giving should let the item be on for a day to give people a chance to apply.
I don't sit at my computer all day so I miss quite a few items that are put on and given away in a matter of hours!

Saying all this it is still a great site and I am becoming addicted!!



kellyk 01-07-2008 11:14 AM

Good idea
I totally know where you’re coming from Fizzy. Some of the things are gone in a matter of mins. It’s unreal. Like your idea though of givers maybe leaving things up for a day so. I think if I am giving stuff away in future I will keep that in mind. I am defo going to put that I want ppl to answer in the thread first though and then to PM as everyone can than see clearly who is answering to what. Also going to be put would like if not sold in the post.

As for the site I think it’s the best. It really really is. It must take ages for the two guy to keep it up to date and to help fix all the pictures for us.

Well done and thank you Chris and Dave hats off to the pair of you. I have really gotten some good stuff on here.

kilk 01-07-2008 11:22 AM

can i be first for your hat!

kellyk 01-07-2008 12:08 PM

Geuss it depends ha ??? you going to sell it :)


kilk 01-07-2008 12:22 PM

just to drift off on another tangent for a mo, i have found some of my friends are mad jealous of the stuff i have got free on jt, but at the same time they won't join up and are constantly showing me stuff that they got at a bargain price, whereas if they were offered it free they wouldn't take it!!

also i was in a friends house recently and his son announced he had a digital camera for anybody looking for one, i blurted out "is it free"? he looked at me as if i had four heads and two legs (come to think of it i have two legs!) and said, "no way it cost 400 but i'll take 200". im not sure if i should get him onto jt or perhaps i should come off it!

The Mammy 01-07-2008 07:36 PM

Like A Game of Football
Hi All
When I'm Giving an Item Its Like A game of Football..
Of course I'm the Ref..
During the match, anyone coming to the attention of The Ref, Will be closely watched..
Please note any players playing for more than one team..i.e Taking items for resale may be only allowed only if the game goes into extra time...( If an item is not taken)
Fouls...Yellow cards will be given to any player with persistant Pm's, or pm'ing before posting...They will be sent to the end of the list..
Fouls....Red Card.. Compulsive behaviour..i.e looking for every item on every post or in other words..all over the pitch..will be sent off..or removed from the pitch.

Players playing well i.e posting first and then p.m will be nominated for man of the match...
Players with advantage will be those players with wanted adds for more than 24 hours...will also nominated for man of the match
Any Nominees for remaining for man of the match ( The Final receiver of the Item) and subject to conditions.. ( if they can collect) will then go to the audience vote...or selection committee.( My Kids).. And Man of the Match will be finally decided By Drawing names from a hat...and then receive Thier Trophy (The item)
The Runner-up receives nothing unless The Man of the Match fails to show for the award ceremony...

Let the Game Begin..
The Mammy

kellyk 01-07-2008 07:54 PM

Mammy is class
Mammy your the best. ..... Thats exactly how I should look at it .

God Moms really do know everything


Fries-With-That 01-07-2008 08:05 PM

Very Funny Post
This post is priceless made me laugh whilst reading it, well done The Mammy.




Originally Posted by The Mammy
Hi All
When I'm Giving an Item Its Like A game of Football..
Of course I'm the Ref..
During the match, anyone coming to the attention of The Ref, Will be closely watched..
Please note any players playing for more than one team..i.e Taking items for resale may be only allowed only if the game goes into extra time...( If an item is not taken)
Fouls...Yellow cards will be given to any player with persistant Pm's, or pm'ing before posting...They will be sent to the end of the list..
Fouls....Red Card.. Compulsive behaviour..i.e looking for every item on every post or in other words..all over the pitch..will be sent off..or removed from the pitch.

Players playing well i.e posting first and then p.m will be nominated for man of the match...
Players with advantage will be those players with wanted adds for more than 24 hours...will also nominated for man of the match
Any Nominees for remaining for man of the match ( The Final receiver of the Item) and subject to conditions.. ( if they can collect) will then go to the audience vote...or selection committee.( My Kids).. And Man of the Match will be finally decided By Drawing names from a hat...and then receive Thier Trophy (The item)
The Runner-up receives nothing unless The Man of the Match fails to show for the award ceremony...

Let the Game Begin..
The Mammy

Isabeau 01-07-2008 08:08 PM

Very Well Said.


Originally Posted by The Mammy
Hi All
When I'm Giving an Item Its Like A game of Football..
Of course I'm the Ref..
During the match, anyone coming to the attention of The Ref, Will be closely watched..
Please note any players playing for more than one team..i.e Taking items for resale may be only allowed only if the game goes into extra time...( If an item is not taken)
Fouls...Yellow cards will be given to any player with persistant Pm's, or pm'ing before posting...They will be sent to the end of the list..
Fouls....Red Card.. Compulsive behaviour..i.e looking for every item on every post or in other words..all over the pitch..will be sent off..or removed from the pitch.

Players playing well i.e posting first and then p.m will be nominated for man of the match...
Players with advantage will be those players with wanted adds for more than 24 hours...will also nominated for man of the match
Any Nominees for remaining for man of the match ( The Final receiver of the Item) and subject to conditions.. ( if they can collect) will then go to the audience vote...or selection committee.( My Kids).. And Man of the Match will be finally decided By Drawing names from a hat...and then receive Thier Trophy (The item)
The Runner-up receives nothing unless The Man of the Match fails to show for the award ceremony...

Let the Game Begin..
The Mammy

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