JumbleTown Ireland

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bluecurlygirl 06-02-2009 11:55 AM

Maufant thanks a million for the lovely shirt and the beautiful necklace I received from you the other day. You're very good to part with such lovely things. And going out in the snow to post them too - that's definitely above and beyond the call of duty. Thanks again.
Also, thanks to Cascais for the lovely 2009 diary and the little 2004 diary with cross stitch patterns in it. That was a lovely surprise and will keep me busy for a wee while I can guarantee you! You're too kind. Thanks a million.
Mich0214, I can't find you online at the moment so I can't pm you. I hope you see this. Thanks a million for the cordless phone. It arrived yesterday and I'm looking forward to getting it up and running shortly. Will try to get in touch with you personally to thank you. You're a wee star also. Cheers everyone.

kiara 06-02-2009 11:58 AM

Thanks to Linn and Katie42 for the lovely clothes that they posted for my daughter, Linn, Zara's 'too big bag' is full again, and Katie, Zara is delighted with the dresses, Kiara x

Linn 06-02-2009 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by kiara
Thanks to Linn and Katie42 for the lovely clothes that they posted for my daughter, Linn, Zara's 'too big bag' is full again, and Katie, Zara is delighted with the dresses, Kiara x

Your very welcome Kiara. Happy to help.
also thankyou for the parcel i got today. Love everything.
Much appreciated Linn

betsy10112000 06-02-2009 09:40 PM

big thank you
can i say a big thank you to Maufant for the jigsaw for my daughter.it is ssoooooooooooooo cute and we have really enjoyed doing it a few times already.also a big thank you to Bernadine for the printer cartridges...the extra you sent aswel were really great.thank you to everyone else for being my friend:)

jenniferalan 08-02-2009 11:13 PM

Big thank you to Nono for her kindness
I just wanted to write a note to Noreen (nono) for her kindness. My boyfriend and I went to collect a freezer (thanks to enchufla) in Galway today and it wouldn't fit in his car, typical!! Noreen was very good and brought it home for me in her jeep, my mum was delighted when she came home tonight from visiting Granny! We have great plans now to be economical and make 2 sets of dinners at a time. Eat one that day and then freeze the other one. I tend to be very lazy and tired when i come home from work late at night and I go for the bread......bad! so this will be so handy, no more takeaways, I can just defrost a gorgeous meal with no effort!

Thanks a million again, Jennifer x

xmillyx2007 10-02-2009 12:22 AM

A Big Thank You
I would also like to show gratitude to everyone on jumble town that have givin me items, I'm very greatful...

I'm not going to mention any names cause i'm afraid i'd leave someone out (i'm very dizzy...lol)

I love this site and everyone one seems really nice... I'm glad my aunty told me about the site i don't know where i'd be without it...

Its been great help with getting things for my new house that probably would have taken me forever to get so Thank you everyone... Milly.

Fries-With-That 10-02-2009 08:10 PM

Thanks to Laurels Limerick
Just like to say thank you to Laurels for 2 smashing filing cabinets now that I have them I can think about getting all my paperwork on my various projects organised in a proper fashion.

Thanks a million,


The Mammy 11-02-2009 09:24 PM

Thanks all
I would like to thank ......ALL..... the Great Jumblers that have given things to me, My kids and my family, and that have Taken stuff from me, so many, Thanks to all, I could write a very long list.....You know who you are, Thanks : )
But most recently was a great community working together...here's the way it went,
upthedubs(Thanks) for dropping into me the ''Hand exercisers''that my son needed, That were given by lislaw (Thanks) to Linn(Thanks) who got her Husband(Thanks) to drop them into taraoreilly (Thanks)who dropped them to upthedubs, who dropped them into me, along with 'The Simpsons Cards'' from mags2(Thanks mags, your always helping out), and not forgetting lindaleagh,(Thanks) who is a regular at my door, picking up things for others or dropping off things for me and my family...
God. I just love jumbletown, Your all Great people
and of course, Thanks chris and dave and all behind the scenes that make it all possible..
Thanks a Million
A very greatful Mammy

Linn 11-02-2009 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by The Mammy
I would like to thank ......ALL..... the Great Jumblers that have given things to me, My kids and my family, and that have Taken stuff from me, so many, Thanks to all, I could write a very long list.....You know who you are, Thanks : )
But most recently was a great community working together...here's the way it went,
upthedubs(Thanks) for dropping into me the ''Hand exercisers''that my son needed, That were given by lislaw (Thanks) to Linn(Thanks) who got her Husband(Thanks) to drop them into taraoreilly (Thanks)who dropped them to upthedubs, who dropped them into me, along with 'The Simpsons Cards'' from mags2(Thanks mags, your always helping out), and not forgetting lindaleagh,(Thanks) who is a regular at my door, picking up things for others or dropping off things for me and my family...
God. I just love jumbletown, Your all Great people
and of course, Thanks chris and dave and all behind the scenes that make it all possible..
Thanks a Million
A very greatful Mammy

Ah your very welcome and long live the Jumbletown express.

Bettybooboopbedoop 08-03-2009 06:20 PM

Thank You
Thanks a million to misstake and partner, for travelling all the way to bring my stereo. Have passed on the sewing machine. I can't remember the kind jtowner that passed on the stereo for me, whoever you are Thank You. Thank You also to taraoreilly & Linn for passing it along. misstake, where would i be without you lol

nono 12-03-2009 12:02 PM

Big Thankyou
Hi all, thanks a mill to Moeby for the handbag. Thanks also to Sabrinabray for the sunglasses and video and to Jennie for the purse both of which I received today. I'm delighted with all the stuff.

Best Wishes, Nono

summersun 13-03-2009 11:22 PM

Sometimes Thankyou just dosent seem to be enough
You know fellow jters... sometimes i feel that saying thankyou just dosent seem to be enough... These past two weeks a total stranger to me (Etana) a new member has gone way out of her way to answer two of my wanted adds .... and to post them to me!!!

A total stranger.....helped me, somehow thankyou just dosent seem to be enough, So i hope that one day Etana, i will be able to repay your kindness, I am very grateful to you for all that you have done.

Many many thanks

Summersun xxx

kiara 20-03-2009 06:36 PM

Thank you to misstake for bringing down the sewing machine, and to nono who dropped off a sink today! Kiara xxx

jenniferalan 23-03-2009 01:57 PM

Would like to say a huge thank you to Moeby, Colmsmum, Skypesper, Linn and Bibi for the things they gave me at the weekend and of course thanks again to Linn and Bibi for getting everything to me. The bits and pieces are lovely. Also a big thank you for the extra things that were put in that I was not expecting! This will all be very helpful in setting up a new home and anything that I may not need, in time, will of course be offered up here to help someone starting off. A huge thanks again :)

Ps will give the other things to Paprika and Nono soon

ace 24-03-2009 11:56 AM

big thank you
A big thank you to bobbygene for looking in the wanted section and going out of there way to help. many thanks. also to all the Jt kind people that i have received items from thanks a mill

Bibi 26-03-2009 10:05 PM

FAO: Mummybear...
Thanks for books received today & for taking the time to post them to me. Trying to send you a PM....box is full.


gillo 30-03-2009 01:05 PM

Thanks SuperC
Thanks a million SuperC for the fab kennel, Toby loves it and fits him just nicely. Lovely meeting you, and thanks again, cheers, gillo

kiwicooke 31-03-2009 09:26 AM

A BIG BIG thankyou to moeby for the lovely toys i got off her, lovely meeting you,

AND ANOTHER AWARD FOR COLMSMUM lol, thank you very much for the lovely nursery picture. xx

colmsmum 31-03-2009 08:05 PM

Aw thanks Kiwicooke, award gratefully received, lol! Glad you liked the pic.

kilk 31-03-2009 08:15 PM

thanks very much colmsmum for the cups and watch! the cups feel really at home here!

colmsmum 31-03-2009 08:29 PM

I'm sure they do Kilk, lol! So glad they found their way back!! Your very welcome to both & I hope the watch worked!

misstake 31-03-2009 08:37 PM

a massive thank you
To Mary Lamb A Big Thank You Received The Cardigan Today Its Beautifull

Moeby 06-04-2009 01:55 PM

for Lordzod
A big thank you Lordzod for the speakers. The kids are having a ball with utube. We found a very funny clip called Achmed the Terrorist. A ventriloquist and puppet, check it out for a good old laugh. At least now we can hear what's going on. So thanks a mil. Kind regards.

flerg 06-04-2009 02:02 PM

Really great
I found this site 2wks ago and have been bowled over by peoples generosity and kindness and willingness to go out of their way to give to others. I mostly look for things for my students and art room and thanks to kind "givers" I am a very greatful "taker". Thank you all.

paprika 07-04-2009 03:57 PM

A big thank you to the JTer from who I recieved the lovely bead choker today! To my great shame I don't remember her user name, but would like to thank her.

Chris P 07-04-2009 04:07 PM

from Admin

Originally Posted by paprika
A big thank you to the JTer from who I recieved the lovely bead choker today! To my great shame I don't remember her user name, but would like to thank her.

Hi Paprika,

I think "Magiceight" is the Giver in question.

Chris P

gillo 07-04-2009 05:09 PM

I also want to thank Antoinette from Ennis, who sent me the lovely coffee mugs with misstake. I just can't remember her username, but I'm delighted to tell her that they are getting loads of use now, and I am one very happy caffeine addict! Thanks again x

paprika 08-04-2009 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Chris P
Hi Paprika,

I think "Magiceight" is the Giver in question.

Chris P

And a big thank you to you too, Chris! ;)

Thank you magiceight for the lovely bead choker, it really brightens my days now!


maufant 18-04-2009 04:19 PM

I would like to say a big thank you to mousecatcher for the lovely carpet and also for her endless patience with me when I got lost(no sense of direction)
You were great, thank you so much

flerg 18-04-2009 09:14 PM

And to Mags2 and Hawk for their combined efforts in delivering gorgeous bag and files!

nono 19-04-2009 01:06 AM

Brilliant Jumbletowner
An enormous Big THANKYOU to MUMMYBEAR. I replied to a Thread last week, requesting a Book, that said "collection". Mummybear replied to the same Thread looking for a different item and OFFERED to collect all the items and post off the extra items to the people who could only receive with SAE's. Thats over and above "the call of duty", as it were. My book arrived today and its most gratefully received as due to illness, I'm stuck back in bed again.
Have to PM Mummybear to get her address as I have to refund postage gratefully.

Also another enormous Big THANKYOU to MOEBY. My daughter picked up the bag and books last Monday that you sent to me via the JT Express. Also thankyou to everybody involved in the JT Express.

Best Wishes and Thanks, Nono

Only 22-04-2009 09:59 PM

Who Sent me the book The Mummy Diaries? Thank You!
In a recent clearout of my message box I deleted some PMs I didn't mean to and now I don't know who sent me this book and I want to say Thank You.
Hopefully whoever gave it to me will read this and accept my apology for not Pming you to let you know I received it and to say Thanks!

Narizota 22-04-2009 10:32 PM

Think that was me,Only!! I must admit you are very patient,I was soo slow in sending it,lost it a few times and then hubby drove around with it in his van for a few days :D

Hope you enjoy it :)

Only 23-04-2009 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Narizota
Think that was me,Only!! I must admit you are very patient,I was soo slow in sending it,lost it a few times and then hubby drove around with it in his van for a few days :D

Hope you enjoy it :)

Aw, thanks Narizota! I knew it was someone I 'knew' that sent it, I just couldn't get my brain to figure out who :-)
Thanks a million for it ! It looks just like my cup of tea - I just need a little time to be able to sit down and read it now :D
Thanks again!

johncol 23-04-2009 09:23 AM

Just a quick thank you to Blanchet whom I collected the car off yesterday. Lovely lady and much appreciated gift., thanks again.


keno 24-04-2009 08:44 AM

Thank you
I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has sent wishes and who are saying prayers for my son. He's doing well, and we'll know on monday the outcome on loosing his finger tip.Thank you all.

biker chick 24-04-2009 08:19 PM

A big big thank you to hurl1234-finny-mago-mags2-sabrinaray-tara o reilly-linn-mummybear-maufant-oxocube-summersun-paprika-philomena6196-jpmum-upthedubs-sec2007-kiara-bubbles2-upam-kate44-jenniferalan-lindaleagh-deiselass-jennie-mrsl-only-Jc1-pipan-louisec-narizota-mumof3-elbo-keno-margdoll-gdl-bawnie-cascais-bettybooboopdeboop-deeogee & to anyone else i left who who have given my family & i so many beautiful items & support in the last 3 1/2 years that im a member of this excellant site,keep up the good work lads & of course the bigest thank you to Chris P & dave & all the admin crew who has made this fab site possible lol
best wishes
biker chick(sisterevelyn) & family xxx

Sabrinabray 24-04-2009 08:46 PM

Thank u biker chick! wow that was a mouthful...

biker chick 24-04-2009 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Sabrinabray
Thank u biker chick! wow that was a mouthful...

Your welcome...it was more than a mouthful ha ha!!But it had to be said THANK YOU

maufant 25-04-2009 01:20 PM

I would like to say a big thank you to Carlovian for the beautiful skirts I collected today and for travelling in the pouring rain to meet me. It was a real pleasure to meet you and thanks once again.

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