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Milky_moo 29-05-2009 02:00 PM

help!!!!!!!!!!!! before I kill me cat!!!
Is there anything I can do to stop my cat bringing me presents????? This week I've had 8 birds, a baby rat and 2 mice. I've put 3 bells on his collar and it still hasn't stopped him!!!!It's really starting to freak me out.
We have swallows who come every summer and nest in the eves of our roof - so his supply is plentiful. poor little birds!!!
edited to add - I live in a town, not the country - god couldn't imagine what he'd be like then!!

mammasboys 29-05-2009 02:23 PM

cat gifts
...a dog?

Florin 29-05-2009 02:41 PM

blood 4 blood or get rid

mammasboys 29-05-2009 02:47 PM

cat gifts
Jeez..this group is hardcore. You might try feeding him less. He may eat the prey before delivering to you. Benefit - less cat food expense?

Milky_moo 29-05-2009 02:57 PM

blood 4 blood?? any further explanation to this Florin???

the cat on't be gotten rid of - he's a family pet and my 2 girls adore him

I've come across a cat bib in America - so might try something along those lines, be it a homemade version

mammasboys - we've tried that a few weeks ago - he leaves the heads and wings outside for us then
I know it's only nature for them to hunt - but it's grossing me out!!!!

MartinaLouise 29-05-2009 03:02 PM

don't think you'll be able to stop him, it's just his way of showing you he's a good hunter.

Fizzywitch 29-05-2009 04:24 PM

If you can stomach this, take the dead bird off the cat, cover it in chilli powder then give it back to the cat! OR....

Ours always used to bring in dead prey and we would immediately take it from the cat. They always wised up to the fact that if they brought in dead creatures, they lost them!! They rarely bring things in now!

Ruthy 29-05-2009 05:28 PM

Cats do a lot of their killing at night, so if he's out at night keeping him in should reduce the carnage. However, if he's doing it during the day, not much you can do!! He is just following his nature, and its stronger in some cats than others. We have a bird feeder, and for years the same cat (belonging to a neighbour, and well fed and cared for) has been lurking around the feeder to pounce. Even moved into the middle of the lawn and he still gets them. He's getting older now and less enthusiastic, but we've just learned to live with it. He can't help it, and if it wasn't him it would be some other predator like a sparrowhawk.

All part of the rich tapestry of nature!!

convoy2 29-05-2009 05:32 PM

help!!!!!!!!!!!! before I kill me cat!!!
Cats Bring Home Nice Rats As A Tank U For Been Good To Them I Have 2 Cats I Never Stop Cleaning My Back Yard Hope U Have Look Trying To Stop It

Milky_moo 29-05-2009 06:19 PM

thanks everyone - I understand it's his nature - just with 2 small kids (2&4) it's hard to be at ease with it - today the 4 year old came in and said "Foxy killed another bird" - it's bringing in rats n stuff that bothers me more when the kids are out playing!!!!

biker chick 29-05-2009 06:21 PM

Im just wondering now is my dog a cat??? as used to bring home all sorts when he used to stay over in my in-laws house, you name it birds,rats,mice & little bunny`s,i used to live in a block of flats which became infested with rats that ate through concrete walls & came into the flats,& one morning we woke to my beloved dog Brad(yes u guessed it i love brad pitt & both my dogs were named brad pitt & joe black! so sad i know!)anyhow we woke to all the barking & when i went to see what was going on brad proudly pulled a huge rat out of a big bag of dried food dead of course but if its their nature & some are worse than others so i expect you will just have to put up with what your cat is bringing home bless him lol

Ocker 29-05-2009 08:30 PM

Get that cat fat !
Poor Milky had a wee cat
And each day it would bring her a rat
Just a cat with some attitude
Showing his gratitude
He’ll stop if you just make him fat

tudlytops 30-05-2009 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Ocker
Poor Milky had a wee cat
And each day it would bring her a rat
Just a cat with some attitude
Showing his gratitude
He’ll stop if you just make him fat

I loved this one Ocker, lol.

I've always had cats and they have always brough things in, the thing is to take it away as soon as he brings it in and to praise the cat for bringing it to you. You see if you giveout to the cat he will think you are not happy with that present and he'll go get you another one, by praising him he should slowly reduce the amount of presents.

kilk 30-05-2009 10:48 PM

or... you could don a bird suit and scare the **** out of the cat!

Milky_moo 31-05-2009 07:51 AM

Thanks Ocker - love the limerick!!! lol
Tudly - thing is, I really can't touch what he's bringing - I am terrified of tham, and i don't want the kids seeing me afraid to touch it - I turn into a screaming wreck to be honest.
Kilk - hilarious as usual!!!!

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