JumbleTown Ireland

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-   -   hello, my name is ... and I'm a hoarder!! (http://www.jumbletown.ie/forums/showthread.php?t=42252)

jenniferalan 14-01-2009 03:32 PM

hello, my name is ... and I'm a hoarder!!
(hoarder anonomyous!)

I'm trying to free up space but most things i own i think i will use in the future so i put them away, for "future use" then i forget about them and they are never used... or less i keep things cos they hold memories.

My partner has told me to be ruthless but it is just so hard!

anyone in the same boat? ...i would really like to post more things here and help recycle....

ps i have stopped buying and for any item i receive i try to give away something

gillo 14-01-2009 03:40 PM

Hiya, Jennifer. I'm a bit of a hoarder and my husband is not much better. We hate to bin ANYTHING that might be of future use, that's why I love this site so much, you never really have to throw out anything. But since passing on some items on here, the feeling of making more space is brilliant. I've cleared out my bookshelves of all books I've read and in turn made room for some new ones I've acquired. You could try this, set aside stuff that you've been hoarding and if you haven't used it by the time 3 months have passed, resolve to advertise it and pass it on! You could also trawl through the wanted section and just discover that you have something lying around in your way that someone else is dying to get their hands on. The feeling of making someon's day when you pass on something they really want is second to none. Good luck, hope this helps a bit, Gillo

jenniferalan 14-01-2009 03:47 PM

Thanks for the advice Gillian, glad someone else is in similar boat lol, ive cleared up my cds, books and dvds so far lol, videos next, then clothes (find it hard to get rid of them) but the worst is ornaments!!

you are right, if feels so good to declutter and house always seems bigger... maybe i should allow myself to keep a certain amount of things and then give away the rest - after all they are not going in the bin they are going to someone else who will hopefully make good use of it!

summersun 14-01-2009 04:14 PM

Hi Jenniferalan....Will you stop talking about me .... me a horder... never.. I am a super hoarder... My husband wants to do "wife swap" with Linn or Bettybooboop and for me to go away for a fortnight ... he says i wont recognise the place when i return ha ha it will all have been given away on jt and the house will be empty and happy jters all over Ireland..

you know Jennifer, i am glad i am not the only one who puts things away... only thing is i when i finally find them, they have grown out of them or they are unnwanted, so they got sent to the charity shop..

And i partially blame the husband as HE WAS THE ONE WHO TOLD ME ABOUT JT... But i have foung some great people to chat to on here,

So i am happy being a hoarder glad to hear i am not the only one... Linn and Betty could be our advisors, in our attempts to declutter

take care

Moeby 14-01-2009 04:16 PM

I find when your house is culttered, your head is cluttered. Usually a good spring clean is in order it's just finding the time to do it. I used to take any recycling items to the local centre until I found jumbletown. I think its brilliant it amazes me what people are looking for.

So do yourself a favour Jennifer have a good clearout, be ruthless and it's amazing how good you'll feel. I intend doing it as soon as I get over this horrible flu. Best of Luck.

kilk 14-01-2009 04:27 PM

if you really want to declutter.... get someone else to do it for you!! its the only way.

Marathon Man 14-01-2009 04:42 PM

Indeed, like us all, you're a hoarder - with the same 'mmmm I'll be able to use that for something in the future' philosophy. The only thing we're guaranteed to use in the future (and please forgive my morbid tone) is a coffin.

Now in fairness one doesn't come across many of these on Jumbletown (if anyone has one let me know) so I'd suggest if you do get offered a nice one, hold onto it and get rid of all the other clutter. You could always use it as a linen box until you really need it..!!


kilk 14-01-2009 06:14 PM

and no doubt there are some who wouldn't be seen dead in one!!

Marathon Man 14-01-2009 06:39 PM

That's aaawwwwful...!!

Was going to say 'put a lid on it' but in hindsight, that's even worse.....!!!!


trigger 14-01-2009 07:43 PM

hi junnifer, i was a bit like this and i began to get really ruthless. when i got rid and recycled it made more space in my house but also in my mind. i began to get clear about a lot of things in my life and it allowed to be more free . i hope this helps regards.

mammasboys 14-01-2009 07:49 PM

To hoard or not to hoard
When clearing stuff out I always try to think of stuff as a commodity and whether the space left by its removal is a more valuable commodity. Inevitably the space is more valuable. Even if you do pass stuff on, I have found that if you really need something, it will eventually make itself available to you again. This attitude really helps prioritise your immediate needs.
Over the years, people seem to have become very dependent on possessions, viewing them as a measure of themselves and not just things to enhance their lives.
I am always impressed by the creativity demonstrated by other JTers and the satisfaction they must feel when transforming and re-using unwanted items into something wonderful, really must enhance their lives, and their surroundings!
PS I'm lucky, my hubby is a hoarder, but we have a big shed!

kiara 14-01-2009 09:43 PM

I used to be borderline shopaholic, I suppose I still am when it comes to my daughters clothes, but I figured out (not that long ago) that I would rather be able to find things that I did need instead of routing through all the stuff I didn't need so I started unloading on JT, and my partner is very relieved... I buy less and hoard alot less, my house is tidier and I'm happier!

cavalin 14-01-2009 09:47 PM

oh my god this is like a support group so yes 'l,m a horder as well' only thing is l,m working on it really l am.we also have a big shed but its got to be dehorded as soon as its warmer.jt won,t no its self when the sun comes back.

jeana 14-01-2009 10:56 PM

Everyday time that I declutter I end up filling all the empty spaces back up with newly aquired clutter- so I'm keeping my clutter...lol- saves me money buying new stuff.

Linn 14-01-2009 11:34 PM

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Originally Posted by summersun
Hi Jenniferalan....Will you stop talking about me .... me a horder... never.. I am a super hoarder... My husband wants to do "wife swap" with Linn or Bettybooboop and for me to go away for a fortnight ... he says i wont recognise the place when i return ha ha it will all have been given away on jt and the house will be empty and happy jters all over Ireland.

Ive been asked to do many a thing in my life but never wife swop lol. Maybe i could be an agony aunt and solve all the hoarding problems. Maybe there should be a section where '' LINN CAN FIX ''.
My mum is the biggest hoarder ive ever seen. My parents live in a beautiful home and if you open her wardrobe you'll find clothes dated back to the 70's. In one handbag at the weekend she found my enrolment letter for secondary school dated jan 1981. In her attic you'll find our copies from primary school.
But my jumbletown magic is rubbing of. I left on saturday with 4 black sacks and my husband came home today with 2 more from my mums.
Some people just dont like to let go. My best piece of advice is PEOPLE GET A GRIP ''JUMBLETOWN NEEDS YOU''

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