Thread: Chickweed
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Old Posted: 22-10-2008 , 06:30 PM #6
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: In the Sticks, North Castlecomer, County Kilkenny
Posts: 399

A weed is a plant that is growing where it is not wanted, Chickweed, nettles, blackberries - you name, it are regarded as "weeds" because they grow where people want groomed plants/grass, grown in contained areas. These "weeds" are herbs and contain nutritional and healing value once grown under proper conditions and used by a trained herbalist, gardeners who grow herbs and the likes.

You call it a weed I call it a herb, my grandmother and great grandmother boiled nettles to eat like we eat spinach.

Fresh chickweed can be fed to companion animals to assist in the expulsion of hair balls, and sooth the digestive tract. Chickweed is an effective and gentle laxative. The seeds are food for finches and many other seed-eating birds.

So even if humans don't eat the herb (weed) animals will :)
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