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Old Posted: 07-01-2009 , 10:11 PM #47
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Co. Wexford
Posts: 280

Originally Posted by betsy10112000
nope never give my phone number - if it is a must to provide a phone number for a freebie cream or something stupid or small like that i just put in any old number that comes off the top of my head - lol

very rare that i get junk mail through post but the few every couple of months i do get is either money off coupons or more freebies so happy days all round :)
sometimes you do have to give your email addres and do sometimes get stupis emails but most ask when you sign up for the freebie if you want to receive their newsletter.

if you do plan on getting loads of different freebies then i advice you to download a software called ROBOFORM.its a free software and basically you fill out all your details on the form,name,address,email etc etc and then when you find a freebie you like just press the roboform icon on the top of your screen and it fills all your details out for you.ingenious :)
because it does become a pain filling out the same info over and over.
if you google roboform or try you should be able to download it free:)
enjoy and i will post loads more freebie sites for you now :)

sorry guys headmaster chris says im not allowed to post anymore links - s you will have to do the legwork yourself :( meanie)lol

if you do want anymore help i am well aware of what sites to use etc because i dont like receiving spam either PM me and i will sort you out :)
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