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Old Posted: 09-02-2007 , 10:51 PM #2
Chris P
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: JumbleTown
Posts: 5,998

Originally Posted by Jemima
Hi Guys
I was just wondering if people realised that they can delete a wanted item if they manage to get it which would help tidy up that section i.e I have come across some items and replied to the threads but they had already been sorted. I didnt want to say "you should take your posting off the list" as that'd sound rude. Can you delete really old ones (nobody bumping them) as an Administrator? Just a thought!

Hi Jemima,

Re: Deleting Items in the Wanted forum:
Yes, it would be convenient for all concerned if Members who have received items in the Wanted forum deleted their post (using the "Thread Tools" button on the top right of the listings). Failing that, a quick post on the thread stating that they had received their item or were no longer looking would be handy.

Admin does physically remove threads from the Wanted forum where an item has clearly been received. We'll try to do a bit more "pruning."

Re: Bumping items in the Wanted forum:
Members who bump up their posts are obviously eager to receive an item but Admin certainly doesn't dismiss those who don't. Admin believes that all posts in the Wanted forum have been made in good faith and with the same level of expectation. Sometimes, Takers get a pleasant surprise when they finally receive an item even though it may have been a few months since they put in their initial request.

But you're right, Jemima, a bit more "pruning" is required.

Thanks for the feedback.

Chris P
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