Thread: Superman
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Old Posted: 07-04-2009 , 10:23 PM #11
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Wexford
Posts: 153
Default superman

Hi everyone, thanks so much for your lovely comments. The exhibition was part of a college project and it was held in Westgate Heritage Centre in Wexford. It is a really cool building and the borough council very kindly let us use it. Superman is currently in residence in my studio space in college where he is freeking out people because they keep thinking he is real when they catch a glimpse of him. He will be coming home with me soon though. I don't have a website as yet, funnily enough I just started building one today.It wont be live until the end of next week at the earliest . (the address will be )I have some paintings on if you want to have a look. They are a real mix of stuff I have done since first year and are not in any particular order. the link is:

By now you will have noticed that poppy is only my online name, cover blown now! Incidentially have noticed in the last week several people wearing superman teeshirts around wexford, obviously a new craze started by our mannequin! (might as well claim the credit for it anyway!) .
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