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Old Posted: 12-08-2009 , 08:18 PM #7
pretty polly
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 4
Default little garden

to begin to grow food is not the best time right now. divide the bed in four so you have a rotation beginning. when you plant potatoes in one section then onions/garlic/scallions in another carrots in another and peas in the fourth one. you can cover with cardboard til you are ready to plant up next spring keeps the weeds at bay. the box hedge will be hard work also harbour miges that bite and are annoying. if you are artistic you could paint a lovely scene on the concerete front. otherwise you could ask an artistic friend, you could have no maintance flower picture on the ugly bit. plant bulbs in the autumn for spring and summer flowers they are reliable and come back yealy. if you have not got great health try getting to know local people who are intrested in back yard gardening, set up a co-op type partnership so you all could help one another. it takes the hard work out of it and you make fun as you share eachothers gardens and various get-togethers. in doing this you can club together to buy seeds and other various things you need
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