Thread: Wasp nests
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Old Posted: 16-08-2009 , 10:31 AM #3
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Bray, Co Wicklow
Posts: 99

We, also, have had this problem in the past and found that most ant powders worked very well provided you can locate the entrance to the nest.

Wait until dusk -- when the wasps are "home" for the night -- and puff the powder around the entrance. The dust is then carried into the nest as the wasps enter/exit. This may need to be repeated a couple of days later as the odd few may survive the initial application.

Just a comment about bees:

Many years ago when our children were quite small, we had quite a number of bee nests around the house, shed and garden.

Being very concerned, I rang a bee keeper to request advice and enquired about their possible removal.

His advice was "Leave well alone ... unlike wasps, they are not aggressive. Ignore them and, next year, they will find quieter parts of the garden to make their new nests".

We took his advice and, sure enough, next year the new nests were built as far as possible from the haunts of our lively children !

We still have many bees around the house and garden but -- even when they are massed around a flowering plant/shrub -- they take little notice of us human beings if we stick our noses in to sniff the perfume !

Sorry to hear about your child's allergy problem ... but I hope the above information may help to reassure you a little.

Kind regards, Anonany
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