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Old Posted: 19-09-2009 , 03:14 PM #49
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Wicklow
Posts: 1,421
Default We want to make a windmill

We want to make a windmill and mount it onto the wall of our stone shed/old stable. There are existing holes in the side wall and we want to use these to mount the windmill (as we don't want to make any physical/permanent alteration to the shed).

What sort of fins would be better? Wide like the ones we see on farms or thinner blades like they have on more modern versions? What's the difference?

We want to put some sort of energy storage system/battery in the shed to store any wind generated energy and then feed this to the house to use for things like electric heaters and things that are non-essential but energy guzzling.

Somewhere once upon a time we read that a submarine battery is ideal for this sort of thing. (Anyone have a clue how I'd go about sourcing one of those :o)?

I would love to hear any suggestions anyone has and especially success stories you may have. We want to be more energy efficient and would like also to have some sort of backup if, God forbid, anything cataclysmic were to happen. We can't afford solar energy and don't think that is the route for us anyway so here's hoping someone has advice or help to offer us.
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