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Old Posted: 30-04-2012 , 09:41 PM #2
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Carlow
Posts: 676

phew, thankfully my pair haven't started this yet!!! But i am ready and armed with a roll of repair tape. Don't have any advice on how to stop them going up there really although one person suggested to me that if they do go up hose them and they not likely to try it again, my fear here is that they may dig their claws in and slide down the side. On warm days i'm leaving the door open and my lazy pair seem to prefer lying inside where it's nice and warm wrapped up in the horticultural fleece than trying to climb on top. One of them was actually sleeping on the strawberries in the tunnel, so i've tried leaving orange peels around the strawberries, fingers crossed seems to be working. If you do come up with foolproof ways for keeping them off the tunnel please share :-)
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