Thread: Mobile numbers
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Old Posted: 12-08-2012 , 08:53 PM #4
Chris P
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: JumbleTown
Posts: 5,998
Default from Admin

Originally Posted by kitty
thanks chris p,

just wondering what had changed seen used in the past,
as surprised at the amount of mobile numbers that nearly every post had no reprimanded from Admin as in the past.

thanks for clearing that up
Hi kitty,

Permanent reminders at the top of all the forums, in the User Guide, and in the User Tips post should be enough to make people aware of privacy/security issues, but obviously not. Admin has gone past the stage of nannying Members re: phone numbers, though we do our best to remove email addresses, full names, addresses, directions to front door, and even when the person will or won't be at home...(the mind boggles at the carelessness of some folks!). So, when once or twice a year Admin receives correspondence from Members who say they are receiving nuisance calls (possibly from folks who aren't even Members of JumbleTown), all we can say is that they should contact the Nuisance Call Bureau, keep records for the Gardai, and try to remember in future that they shouldn't put their contact details anywhere on the Web.

Chris P
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