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Old Posted: 23-03-2009 , 01:44 PM #67
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Co Sligo
Posts: 31
Default Growing Vegetables

bit late with the weekly update but its been such good weather its been outside work only.

So now your onions and Garlic should be popping their heads above the soil. In the greenhouse your beans dwarf, pole, broad should be up and in leaf, along with your squashes, melon, cucumbers, pumpkins, tomatoes, leeks, spinach, chard, cauliflowers, and I'm sure I have missed stuff out. In the garden you seed bed should be raked and sown with brassicas such as kales, sproutings, brussels, and lettuces along with other in situ salads such as scallions, mixed leave lettuces and herbs. In their appropriate place, beetroot have been sown along with perpetual spinach. I hang off with my carotts until next month and my potatoes the ground needs to be a little warmer yet maybe this weekend.

I have sown parsley and transplanted the overwinter to their new home.

The apricots have masses of flowers and the apples are just begining in the orchard, the Artiochokes - globe are beginning to waken as are the herbs. I have planted some sage, rosemary and marjoram in the greenhouse they suffer in bad summers and winters in Ireland so I decided to see how they did in the greenhouse for an all year around supply - so far so good.

I have also planted up more rhubarb, made a new aspargus bed and done a final weeding of the vegetable area before transplanting.

What I still have to do is nastertums the bees love them and I let them grow with the pole beans they look great, are edible and the last flower for the bees before they retire for winter.

Not a good year for the bees lost a couple of hives but still have a few left so will increase this year rather than aim for alots of honey - if its a good year I might have both :)
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