JumbleTown Ireland

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Doogle 18-09-2006 10:12 PM

Addresses and phone numbers
I'm a new user of Jumbletown, and I'm shocked at how many people are posting up their mobile or home phone no's; or their addresses, complete with directions!! Am I the only one wary of posting private information on a public forum? I'm sure 99% of Jumbletown users are genuine, but it's still dodgy to post up your address and phone no!
There's a private messaging system on here for a good reason, please use it people!!!

Plates 19-09-2006 08:02 AM

Any reason why it's dodgy? Ever heard of a phone book - which contains - well - addresses and phone numbers! Hang on though - if an undesirable had your address, phone number AND jumbletown nickname they could probably clone all your credit cards and clear out your Swiss Bank account! Aagghh!!!

Doogle 19-09-2006 08:34 AM

Very Clever. I'm thinking more along the lines of someone seeing your address, phoning to say, ''I'll be over to pick up whatever'', then walking into your house to clear it out after you've opened the door to them. Or what about messers that have nothing better to do than turn up to your house and bug you day and night? And for the record, I'm ex-directory, as are a lot of people. Very many sites/forums contain warnings about giving out personal information over the net, I've yet to see any other site where people post their addresses and phone no's. Jumbletown is the first one I've seen. I just think that it's ridiculous to do so when you can use the pm facility to share private information with genuine posters.

Plates 19-09-2006 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Doogle
I just think that it's ridiculous to do so when you can use the pm facility to share private information with genuine posters.

I see - so it's safe to assume that unsavoury types have the decency not to pretend that they're a "genuine poster" by using the PM facility?

Doogle 19-09-2006 10:31 AM

no, but at least your info isn't broadcast to the world, only the person with whom you are pm'ing. As it goes, I don't give my address out on a pm either, just my email address, and from there ask the poster to give me their mobile no - I'll then phone them and give them directions to my house. It's not foolproof by any means, but it's a bit safer than leaving all my details up for the world to see.

But I've a funny feeling you'll find something to say about that as well.

Plates 19-09-2006 10:38 AM

Funny Feeling
You're right! So - I'm guessing that the only way your house can be found is if you give your address and directions? Your common or garden burglar or n'er do well (who either doesn't have internet access or the foresight to peruse the jumbletown site looking for addresses) would never stumble across it and commit one of the unmentionable acts you seem to fear? Must be nice to have such a secluded nest - unfortunatley I live on a main road so my home is "exposed" to all kinds of people on a daily basis.

P.S. - I'm still not getting your point.

Doogle 19-09-2006 11:22 AM


Look at the post from spfeno, near the bottom - the one with pics of a cooker - I'm not the only one who feels the same

Plates 19-09-2006 12:39 PM

But I still don't understand what your point is. Are you concerned that by "exposing" your address on jumbletown that a burglar will come to your house and steal your unwanted goods rather than post a request for them on the forum?

Chris P 19-09-2006 01:30 PM

Names and Addresses on JumbleTown
Hi Doogle and Plates,

Many thanks for your comments. JumbleTown Admin is very conscious of the fact that some Members may not wish to put their contact details on the Public Forum. After all, why carry out your private business in a public way if there is a means to do otherwise? That is why we recommend that Members use the PM (Private Message) system, especially when they are passing on contact details.

How to send a PM (Private Message):

Some Members may wish to put their contact details up on the Public Forum -- it is a choice they make in the belief that it will speed up the Giving and Taking process. Takers, I believe, find readily visible contact details more convenient; most Givers, it seems, prefer the PM system. JumbleTown Admin provides the twin-options of the Public Forum and the PM system to give people a choice.

We do, however, recommend that JumbleTowners remove Public Forum contact details after an item has been Taken. As it happens, very few people put up their actual address on the Public Forum. If they do, and forget to remove it after an item has been passed on, JumbleTown Admin removes the details.

Chris P

Plates 19-09-2006 02:03 PM

Thanks for the clarification Chris. I hope this topic stays open as I'm enjoying the banter!

Jemima 19-09-2006 05:26 PM

Address and phone numbers
I understand your reluctance to put your own info for anyone to see but most people can be contacted/found etc if you really want to find them. If others are quite happy to leave details thats fine, its a chance. But so is going to a givers house/shop/ premises on the promise of an item to meet someone you dont know from Adam but such is life.
If we were afraid of every situation we'd lock ourselves away. There's careful and theres paranoid.
Most burglars are opportunists. Some plan ahead but it would be the house that drew their attention ie no alarms, easy access etc not your name on a website.
We all have to be aware of unscrupulous people out there but we also have to live.

Thank you for taking the time to be a "giver" but understand others choice to leave the details they wish.

Patience 21-09-2006 04:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I think Doogle's point is very valid. One woman recently posted her address details on the public forum for a person and then advised them not to call on a particular day as she'd be out all that day.

Oh, by the way, a good rule of thumb is never to post things on a forum that you would not be prepared to say loudly in a public bar. ;)

lemon meringue pie 21-09-2006 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Patience
I think Doogle's point is very valid. One woman recently posted her address details on the public forum for a person and then advised them not to call on a particular day as she'd be out all that day;)


Originally Posted by Doogle
Very Clever. I'm thinking more along the lines of someone seeing your address, phoning to say, ''I'll be over to pick up whatever'', then walking into your house to clear it out after you've opened the door to them.

Anyone who posts their personal details is NUTS!
I have live posts at the moment with just general details regarding the locality and keep my real (rather normal) name and address for the safety of the PM system.

Nowadays everybody has access to the web, thieves and ... [ADMIN EDIT HERE]

A friend of my mothers, posted her 3 pc suite, along with her details and suitable calling times. She had late evening unannounced visits to her home, when she was on her own, two gentlemen of unscrupulous character, who talked their way into her home and wandered about to see what else she might be able to give away! One kept her talking about the suite whilst the other pretending to go to the loo, wandered through her home. She felt threatened and intimidated. Rather than learning from her experience (of posting her details) and once she rid her home of these vermin she ended up bringing her items to the dump. What a waste!

Yours Sincerely
John Thompson
123 Dunroamin Ave.,
Co. Gilhooly
Ph:1890 777 121
Off to the pub now, should be home to my 42" Plasma about 1am.
Talk to you then.

hawk666 23-09-2006 10:40 AM

HA HA Lemon........I know where you live.
Could do with a new tv thanks!
Will you be out tonight?
I'll meet you at the "Taking the P " pub at the corner of your Street and buy you a pint, whilst my mate has a look around your pad!

Hawk x

lemon meringue pie 23-09-2006 04:50 PM

Mines's a pint!
No problem, shall I leave a bit of grub in for him/her?
What do they like? Or will ye have already eaten?

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